Building Your Training Program
Prosports Training offers THREE different components of Athletic Training. (as well as a goalie specific program) Each of them are extremely important in achieving athletic success.
***Must be 12 years of age or older to enroll in the Pro Sports Programs***
Athletic Strength
The ASP Program is designed to improve strength and athleticism, with the intent of improving sport skills. Focused areas include: Upper/Lower body strength, vertical/horizontal lifting and movement, core strength and rotational power.
Explosive Movement
The EMP program is designed to improve one’s sports performance by improving explosive power while incorporating speed, agility, and quickness.
Energy System Development
Track Program
The ESD program is a complete 15 week sprinting program at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex. This program features distance sprints, repeats, pro runs, acceleration starts, agility quick feet drills and much more!
Goalie Specific
The GSP program is designed for goalies to work on specific exercises to improve their movement patterns while incorporating visual reaction, concentration and core rotational strength.